Join our Collaborative Oracle Deck Project, Remember Who We Are

Engage Your Soul’s Power Through Visual Storytelling

As a white woman with some incredible psychic, healing, and intuitive gifts, I have struggled with identifying what is part of who I am and what I have adapted from those who taught me.  I have walked this line of not wanting to culturally appropriate and not knowing what is appropriate for quite a while.

On the surface, this may not seem like a huge deal for many folks who operate under the, “if you can, you are,” philosophy; however, for me, something felt like it was missing… I’ve always found it relatively easy to achieve my goals (“if you can” …) – the part missing was me feeling a true sense of ownership over “you are.” What’s been missing? My own identity and culture; my own sense of belonging; a grounding in my culture and my lineage.

 If you know, you are” seems like a better fit for me. The concept focuses on self-identity and understanding one’s true ancestry and lineage as a pathway to living in alignment with who we truly are.

And one of the greatest parts? Now that I’ve found it, I can call on it anytime. There’s no ‘unknowing’ what I now know. The stories from my ancestors influence the way I write and speak; they influence the way I conduct business from the heart; they influence the way I treat other people, and they reflect the healing modalities I engage in.

Connecting to the wisdom of our ancestors is a powerful way to remember who we are. 

In many ways, we all have much to lose when major change happens in our society, by nature of the power structures in place. In turn, this means we can do a lot to change things if we’re willing to make ourselves vulnerable and uncomfortable. I have never felt confident in the ways I’ve tried to achieve this even once I knew I needed to; knowing my lineage and grounding myself in my ancestry has allowed me to leverage my own power through the stories that are truly mine/my family’s/my ancestral lineage.

We are being called to work in a different way for these very different times. It’s time to go back to basics. No, not those basics. Reach further back… We’re talking the basic tenants of who we are, what we stand for, and how we pass this on through story for generations to come.

 It’s time to learn about our history, the traumas, and the triumphs in order to move humanity forward. Collaboration, coordination, and communication are even more important than they once were. Learning from the histories and experiences of our ancestors is more essential than ever.

 It’s time to come together to embrace the wisdom of our peoples and move humanity forward.


The “Remember Who We Are” Project:

Reconnecting with your ancestral roots is a profound act of self-affirmation, a reminder of your inherent place in the world, and that you belong. It’s a journey back to your true self, free from the constraints of societal expectations, physical appearance, religious beliefs, or cultural affiliations. When you realize your rightful place on this earth, and your DNA from your lineage is with you, the yearning for belonging starts to dissolve as you realize you are coming home.

 It is time to engage the soul’s power through visual storytelling.

Narratives hold the transformative power to mend individuals, rejuvenate lands, and uplift spirits. Through reshaping the tales and even myths we tell ourselves, we can effectively shift the burdens of our past and pave the way for fresh perspectives on our identities. This process also influences our self-perception and interactions with others. Engaging in the practice storytelling enables us to nurture a profound faith in our own abilities.

 Together, let’s come together and pay homage to the accumulated knowledge handed down through the ages, using it as a compass to propel us onward. It is my purpose to assist others in their quest to unearth the wisdom necessary to answer their spiritual calling.

I extend an invitation to you and a select group of people to join me on a profound journey of discovery into our ancestral lineage. Collectively, we will immerse our senses into our heritage, forging connections with the wisdom of our predecessors. Now is the time to embrace your heritage, to honor your ties, and to tread the path of your ancestors with respect and intention.

If the metaphorical or spiritual phone is ringing, do not wait to answer it.

A result of our work will be an Oracle Deck, that is the first of its kind.

One that connects ancestral lineage to create a better world.

Join The Collective:

Engage With Others On a Similar Path

Attend our inclusive circle (2x month virtual and in person for 6 months) where we dive deep into our facilitated and individual process of Remembering Who We Are.  And, at the same time; learning, laughing, and supporting our Collective on this journey.

Use The Cards As You Wish

As a co-creator of the deck and member of The Collective you can purchase the decks at wholesale prices and to sell or gift as you desire.

Design Your Oracle Cards

Over the 6 months you will begin to tell your story visually through our collaborative Oracle Deck. By  working with our design team you will memorialize your story that connects your ancestral lineage to create a better world.


Touch the Lives of Others

By the narratives and legends we share, we can release the weight of our histories and open the door to new understandings of ourselves.  Through the art of storytelling, we can cultivate a deep belief in our own potential.

And, let’s be real. We are heading right into a tough political climate and who wouldn’t want to be a part of an incredible uplifting Collective at this time in our history!

Join me on this profound journey of self-discovery and transformation, as we dive deep into our DNA, learn about our ancestors, and remember who we truly are.

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